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The Waste Incineration Boiler Designed and Manufactured by CWPC has been Got through the Verification for Scientific and Technical Achievements


  On April 22, 2014, the expert group including academician Mr. Qin Yukun and Mr. Yue Guangxi from Chinese Academy of Engineering reached consensus that the waste incineration CFB boiler (400t/d) designed and manufactured by CWPC reaches the international advanced level and is worth promoting and applying broadly.

  The CFB Boiler with treatment capacity of 400 TPD, developed and manufactured by CWPC, is the core parts for this power generation project. At present, it has been successfully put into commercial operation. After site survey, reports listening, data checking-out and discussions, etc., the verification commission ultimately came to the conclusion that optimal design of the boiler improves burnout degree of waste incineration and boiler efficiency, reduces the accumulation of pollutant, suspends the speed for metallic corrosion, alleviates the clogging degree of heating surfaces, prolongs its continuous running time and availability, reduces maintenance costs and obtains a better investment cost effiectiveness. Its operation record proves equipment safety, reliable, stable. The index of waste treatment capacity, steam parameters, boiler efficiency, loss of ignition in ash, etc., is satisfied or better than design requirement. The reliability and continuous running time of the boiler has been leading in the head in China and the emissions of pollutant have been better than the national standard, which have realized environmental protection benefit, social benefit , economic benefit ,reached the international advanced level overall and been worth promoting and applying broadly.
